9 pin - 25 pin 3 2 5 7 7 4 4 20 8 5If your programmer does not work, you may want to try some of these hints:
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:28:48 +0200 (MET DST) From: Atle SilgjerdTo: rxy5310@hertz.njit.edu Subject: PIC-Blaster tip Thank you for a great programmer. I had some problems getting it started because the serial port of my computer did not give more than 9-10V. Since the programming voltage should be about 12-13 V, I just put two AA cell batteries (2x1.5V) in series with the line to the reset pin (pin 4). I had to break the circuit between the diode and pin 4 and solder wires to the batteries which were tied to the circuitboard with a rubberband (remember to isolate the metal surface of the battery from the circuit !)
-()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()- Rolan Yang http://hertz.njit.edu/~rxy5310 Electrical Engineer rxy5310@hertz.njit.edu kyurius@tsb.weschke.com VR,ROBOTICS,FENCING,HACKING,INDUSTRIAL MUSIC,ART,EXPLOSIVES,INLINE SKATING THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS. -()---()---()---()---()---()-----()-()---()---()---()---()---()---()---()- 4 out of 10 people are annoyed by ^ this. New updated email: kyoorius@techfreakz.org